Implementation Approach
Thin Film Interference Section
I implemented the rendering by sampling the water surface normal map using FlowMap as the bubble surface normal to calculate the simulated normal and obtain the disturbed incident angle. Additionally, I took a value from FlowMap as the disturbance value for the film thickness. These combined as UV values to sample the texture below.
Specular Reflection Light Section
Since the bubble has two layers, it generates two specularly reversed images. To achieve this effect, simply use the normal ReflectDir and the inverted ReflectDir, and sample the CubeMap twice then overlay them. Once I had this approach figured out, I realized the most challenging part of this shader was actually the parameter tuning process. The real difficulty lies in utilizing the available materials to enhance the effect.
All Shader Code
Shader "Unlit/Bubble" { Properties { _NormalTex ("NormalTex", 2D) = "bump" {} _FlowTex("_FlowTex",2D) ="white"{} _TimeSpeed("_TimeSpeed",float) =1 _FlowSpeed("_FlowSpeed",float) =1 _FlowUVDir("flow UV Dir",vector) = (1,1,1,1) _RampTex ("RampTex",2D) ="white" {} _RampXAxisOffset ("X Axis_Offset",Range(0,1))=0.2 _RampXAxisNoiseStrength("Ramp Tex X Axis Noise Strength",float) = 2 _ColorReflectIntensity("薄膜干涉亮度",Range(0,20))=2 _EnvCube("Reflection Cubemap",Cube)="_Skybox" {} _ReflectAmount("反射的强度",Range(0,1))=0.5 _BubbleAlpha("泡泡透明度",Range(0,2)) = 1 _FresnelPow("菲尼尔 对比度",float) =3 _FresnelIntenisty("菲尼尔 亮度",float)=0.2 } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" } LOD 100 Pass { Tags {"LightMode" = "ForwardBase"} ZWrite off Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "UnityCG.cginc" struct appdata { float4 vertex : POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float4 normal:NORMAL; float4 tangent:TANGENT; }; struct v2f { float4 uv : TEXCOORD0; float4 vertex : SV_POSITION; float3 tDirWS : TEXCOORD1; float3 nDirWS : TEXCOORD2; float3 bDirWS : TEXCOORD3; float4 posWS : TEXCOORD4; float3 rDirWS : TEXCOORD5; }; sampler2D _NormalTex; sampler2D _FlowTex; float4 _FlowTex_ST; sampler2D _RampTex; float _FlowSpeed; float _TimeSpeed; float2 _FlowUVDir; float _RampXAxisOffset; float _RampXAxisNoiseStrength; //反射 samplerCUBE _EnvCube; float _ReflectAmount; float _BubbleAlpha; float _ColorReflectIntensity; float _FresnelPow; float _FresnelIntenisty; v2f vert (appdata v) { v2f o; o.uv.xy = v.uv; o.posWS=mul(unity_ObjectToWorld,v.vertex); o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); o.tDirWS = normalize( mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(, 0.0 ) ).xyz ); o.nDirWS = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal); o.bDirWS = normalize(cross(o.nDirWS, o.tDirWS) * v.tangent.w); o.rDirWS = reflect(-UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(o.posWS),o.nDirWS); return o; } fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { //TBN half3x3 TBN = float3x3(i.tDirWS,i.bDirWS,i.nDirWS); //采样 FLowMap float2 flowUV = (i.uv.xy+_Time*0.1*_FlowUVDir)*_FlowTex_ST.xy; float3 flowDir = tex2D(_FlowTex, flowUV) * 2 - 1; flowDir *= _FlowSpeed; //控制时间周期 float phase0 = frac(_Time * 0.1 * _TimeSpeed); float phase1 = frac(_Time * 0.1 * _TimeSpeed + 0.5); float4 tex0 = tex2D(_NormalTex, i.uv.xy - flowDir.xy * phase0); float4 tex1 = tex2D(_NormalTex, i.uv.xy - flowDir.xy * phase1); float flowlerp = abs((0.5 - phase0) / 0.5); float4 packedNormal = lerp(tex0, tex1, flowlerp) ; float3 normalTS = UnpackNormal(packedNormal); //计算Ndir half3 nDirWS = normalize(mul(normalTS,TBN)); half3 vDirWS = normalize( - i.posWS); //引入波控制 float wave = lerp(flowDir.xy * phase0,flowDir.xy * phase1,flowlerp); //减弱菲尼尔效果 对泡泡影响 float nDotv = saturate(dot(nDirWS,vDirWS)); float nDotv2 = saturate(dot(i.nDirWS,vDirWS)); float RampYAxis = saturate((nDotv-nDotv2*0.95)+0.4-wave*0.8); float RampXAxis = _RampXAxisOffset+packedNormal.r*_RampXAxisNoiseStrength; float2 rampTexUV = float2(RampXAxis,RampYAxis); float3 rampColor = tex2D(_RampTex,rampTexUV)*_ColorReflectIntensity; //反射效果 float3 NegaReflectDir = float3(-i.rDirWS.x,-i.rDirWS.y,i.rDirWS.z); //计算两个反射 然后混合 float3 reflectCol1 = texCUBE(_EnvCube,i.rDirWS)*_ReflectAmount; float3 reflectCol2 = texCUBE(_EnvCube,NegaReflectDir)*_ReflectAmount; float3 reflectCol = reflectCol1+reflectCol2; //菲尼尔效果 float fresnel= pow(1-nDotv2,_FresnelPow); //开始混合 //获取明度 float reflectLumin = dot(reflectCol,float3(0.22,0.707,0.071)); //Ramp颜色受反射图像明度影响很大 float3 finalRampCol = rampColor*(pow(reflectLumin,1.5)+0.05); finalRampCol = pow(finalRampCol,1.4); float3 finalCol =finalRampCol+fresnel*_FresnelIntenisty*finalRampCol*reflectLumin + reflectCol*reflectCol; //透明度受反射图像明度 边缘厚度影响 float finalAlpha = _BubbleAlpha*(reflectLumin*0.5+0.5)+fresnel*0.2; //输出 return float4(finalCol ,finalAlpha); } ENDCG } } }